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Post-Holiday Pest Control

The holidays are upon us, and while your mind is spinning with all the exciting activities and gatherings coming up next month, the beginning of January will be a whole different story. We all want to start the new year off on the right foot. January is the perfect time to get your home reset from the holidays, deep cleaned, and re-organized for the coming year.

While the colder weeks and months seem relatively bug-free, we’re just months away from the buggiest time of the year.

Pests and Party Foods

A great feature of the holiday season is the myriad of parties and exceptional seasonal food. From cookies to casseroles, your friends and family will be eating delicious foods all over your home, and food messes will inevitably happen. This time of year is a gold mine for pests waiting for their next meal, so as you work to keep your home clean of pest-sized morsels, ensure you’re also investing in high-quality pest control.

Pests Love Humidity 

We are never entirely rid of bugs here in the Sunshine State. They thrive off of warm weather and high humidity, which means they slow down significantly during the cooler months as they wait for the weather to return to the bug-friendly haven they love so much. Homeowners are often lulled into a sense of pest care complacency through the winter months, and then they’re shocked all over again when the pests get right back to action as soon as the temperature starts to climb again. Give yourself the best gift this holiday season and invest in a pest service so you can start 2024 with confidence.

Eliminate Bugs For Good

If you feel like you’re fighting the same pest-related battles year in and year out, you just might be. Homeowners who depend on hardware store pest products to keep their homes safe and clean continue to struggle every year. When you invest in professional pest services, you have someone in your corner to fight pests the moment they show up and to show up before your next infestation occurs. Great pest control is preventative maintenance that keeps your home feeling comfortable and stress-free no matter the weather.

As this holiday season comes and goes, it will certainly include both joyful gatherings and stressful complications. We can’t control all of the stressors in your life, but we can help you eliminate pests from your home. That alone is a huge relief for most homeowners. If you’d like more information about our pest services, give our office a call. We’d love to help you start the new year in a clean, pest-free home.

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