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3 Reasons We Always Recommend Sod Install Over Grass Seed

We all want a yard that we can be proud of, and this is the perfect time of year to start investing in some new grass to make a great impression on your neighbors. But how do you decide whether to invest in grass seed or brand new sod?
We always recommend that our clients choose a sod install over grass seed. Even though the initial cost of sod is higher, and it will take a little more effort to install, the other benefits far out weight the cost.

Here are three of the top reasons we always recommend sod over seed.

1. Instant Results
Is there anything better than getting your hands dirty on a Saturday morning to install brand new sod, and ending Saturday afternoon with a beautiful new lawn? One of the biggest perks of a sod install is that you get to enjoy the immediate results of your investment. And while there will still be careful watering instructions to follow, your sod should take over in no time leaving a lovely lawn ready for your family to enjoy.

2. Establishes Quickly
Your sod install will be rooted and established in your yard within a matter of weeks. This is great news because not only is that a shorter timespan than many grass seeds need to grow, but you also end up with a nice full lawn. On the other hand, your grass seed may continue to appear patchy and sporadic, if it roots at all. Another upside to a quickly established sodded yard is that it eliminates soil erosion from heavy rains. This protects the shape of your lawn and ensures that water and key nutrients aren’t being washed into the street.

3. Fewer Weeds
Sod companies work tirelessly to ensure there are no weeds in the grass they provide for your home. And, since your sod install is laid upon fresh earth, the chances of any pesky weeds surviving the installation are low. On the other hand, when you spread grass seed over your already weedy yard, it’s much more likely that those weeds will choke out the competition and ruin your investment.

This is the perfect time of year to invest in a brand new sod install. Not only will your new turf get plenty of sunshine, but it will be ready for enjoying in time for summer. Skip the hassle of grass seed and make the investment that is easier and more dependable. To learn more about our sod install services, or for a free estimate, contact us today.

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