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Protecting Your Lawn From Man’s Best Friend

Lawn care in Florida can be an overwhelming task. During the summer, your weekly mowing duties cannot keep up with the heavy growth of your turf, and those pesky weeds and pests you try so hard to eliminate keep coming back. For this reason, we recommend hiring a professional to manage your lawn care. But no amount of mowing will save your lawn from the brown spots and other damage created by your four-legged family members.
So how can you best care for your lawn to ensure that your pets aren’t undoing the good work of your lawn maintenance company?

1. Keep your grass clean
You already clean up your pet’s solid waste, but did you know that when your pets go number one on your grass, it can leave behind brown patches of grass where the high levels of nitrogen have damaged your turf. Running a hose on these spots immediately after the incident can help to dilute the nitrogen in their urine and hopefully keep your grass from browning.

2. Create a designated doggy space
However, since you won’t always be watching when your pets need a comfort stop, consider designating a specific area in your yard for pets to run, play, and do their business. You can fence off this designated area and swap out the grass for a more resilient material. Giving your pets some space of their own with the freedom to run around and rough-house is a great way to keep the yard your kids play in clean, and your grass beautiful.

3. Use the most resilient materials
At the end of the day, some grasses are heartier and more resilient than others. Grasses like St. Augustine and Bermuda grass, which grow easily in central Florida’s climate, are strong and will bounce back more quickly from any damage caused by your pets. If your grass isn’t meeting your needs, replacing it with new, healthy sod is easy and effective. Give us a call for more information about our sod installation services.

Lawn care is hard enough without having to fight the added damage caused by your dogs and cats. But since getting rid of the dog is not an option, we recommend the above lawn care tips to protect your turf from your pets. Rinsing your grass after your dogs next bathroom break (if possible), creating a designated pet area, and investing in hearty and resilient products will help keep your grass looking beautiful. And for a free consultation on how we can help you manage your lawn care, contact us today. Holder Pest Control has been serving Volusia County residents for three decades and it would be our honor to work with you.

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